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MSM (Methylsulfonymethane)

 The discoverer & patent holders, Dr. Stanley W. Jacob, Director of DMSO Clinic & Professor of Surgery at Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon, & Dr. Robert J. Herschler, a biological chemist, & other medical professionals, with over 55,000 case studies, have been examining MSM under clinical conditions both in rats, animals and humans for over 22 years. Dr. Jacob put their findings & discoveries in the book,

 “The Miracle of MSM, The Natural Solution for Pain”. 


These are the documented results:


 1) MSM is a pure natural sulfur (a derivative of DMSO), and very important to basic body foundation functions. It is as basic to life as water and salt.


 2) Oceanic organisms release sulfur into the atmosphere. It then returns to the earth in rainwater and snow to nourish all plants. Plants would not grow or be healthy without MSM. 


3) Sulfur is a component of amino acids (methionine, cysteine, taurine), vitamins (B1 & biotin), hormones (insulin), coenzymes (coenzyme A) and antioxidants (glutathione, Nacetyl- cysteine, alpha lipoic acid), pantothentic acid, and proteins.


 4) Out of all the minerals in the human body, MSM ranks third in quantity. The body uses 1/8 teaspoon of MSM each day and is stored in every cell in the body. Without it, our amino acids could not function properly, and the body would produce weak, dysfunctional cells.


 5) MSM helps form penicillin and insulin and creates new healthy cells to replace old ones. Because sulfur is a crucial component of the tissues, hormones, vitamins, enzymes, antibodies and antioxidants, etc., we simply cannot maintain good health without it.


 6) Collagen and Glucosamine make components of joints and are dependent on sulfur. 


7) Our muscles, hair, skin and nails require a very high content of MSM to be healthy. 


8) Foods that have high MSM content: Asparagus, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Garlic, Horseradish, Milk (non-pasteurized), mustard, onions, radishes, red hot peppers. (Comment: MSM does not create bad breath). 


9) Toxicity level is 1/7th of table salt, making it similar to water. It is completely non-toxic & neutralizes the toxicity of anticholinesterase. It is not a sulfate or sulfite. The body does not store excess MSM as it throws off any surplus quantity that it does not need, the same as it does with Vitamin C.


10) Problems: It is so soluble that it disappears easily in food processing by heat & dehydration. We don’t eat a large diet of high content MSM foods, our purified water no longer contains necessary minerals, & our fresh foods have been replaced by processed, nutritionally deficient, fatty foods & refined sugar.


 11) Lack of MSM can result in: Hardening of the arteries, leathery and nonpermeable arteries and veins, and inflammation of joints. Nutrients and oxygen cannot pass through the vein walls to nourish the surrounding tissues vital and critical to basic body functions.


12) A drug that achieves a 40% ratio of satisfactory patient response is considered very highly successful 5 even though artificial and chemical drugs affect other body functions adversely, requiring additional drugs that also cause additional problems. 


13) As many as 85% of patients have realized noticeable benefits from MSM, unheard of in the drug industry. MSM is neither a drug nor a cure-all, but it is a natural sulfur essential to many body functions with absolutely no side effects or complications.


 14) In-Take Quantities: Doctors recommend 2 to 8 grams per day in divided dosages. More severe problems may require greater quantities of MSM. Some have taken as much as 40 grams per day in divided dosages and achieved wonderful results not accomplished by medical doctors’ recommended medications. 


15) Expectations: MSM is not an artificial drug or painkiller for instant relief. It can provide recognizable and substantial help in days, weeks, or months, depending on the severity and longevity of problems or illnesses. Determining the adequate potency is necessary in order to get the relief desired, taking into account ones age, sex, body mass, and diet. Everyone’s body is unique and has its own needs and assimilation properties. 

Click above image for Bill Rich's Lectures on MSM

What does MSM do? 


1) Makes arteries and veins flexible, elastic, and permeable, which allows for oxygen and nutrients to pass through the walls to nourish the surrounding tissues.


2) Builds “disulfide bonds” which holds tissue together in a flexible state forming part of the body’s physical structure, including protein, collagen, glucosamine, skin, and nails.


3) Free radicals coat and cling to artery walls and restrict nutrients from passing into the surrounding tissue. Then they become hazardous and poisonous to the body. MSM builds flexible arteries, which won’t allow free radicals to adhere to the cell walls. 


4) Provides an undesirable condition and environment for non-healthy or cancerous cells. 


5) It plays an important part in tissue breathing. 


6) Allows amino acids and other nutrients to do their assigned tasks, which depend on natural sulfur and healthy arteries to transport them to the work area. These amino acids are scavengers of 125 free radicals; they also eliminate toxic metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, and aluminum. 


7) Assists in building new healthy cells on an ongoing basis. The body is in a constant state of repair and almost completely replaces every cell each year. 


8) It helps to maintain overall body balance between acidity and alkalinity. 


9) Inhibits pain impulses along the major nervous system network called “C Fibers”. It is an analgesic. 


10) Reduces swelling of joints as in sprains, fractures, and infection, and prevents the breakdown of joint cartilage. 


11) Blocks cell-receptor sites for histamine, which triggers allergic symptoms. 


12) Softens and reduces scar tissue internally as well as externally. 


13) Promotes blood flow and regulates proper blood pressure. 


14) Breaks up calcium deposits. 


15) Completely prevents the breakdown of cartilage of joints. 


16) Shortens the recovery and healing time from injuries and surgery. 


17) Assists the digestive system in function properly.


18) It helps the liver to secrete bile. 


19) Will get rid of parasites in the intestinal tracts. 


20) Allergy symptoms are reduced 6 


21) Increases one’s energy level (example: sulfur spring bath). Some prefer not to take it at bedtime for that very reason. 


22) Because of MSM’s performance and effectiveness, it reduces the amount of medication needed, which also lessens the exposure to the inevitable side effect complications that result from constant drug intake, effecting ones bowels, liver, kidney, blood pressure, etc. 




Allergies (Pollen/Food) 

Alzheimer’s Disease

Arthritis (Osteo and Rheumatoid) 

Anxiety and stress 


Back pain 

Bells Palsy 

Blood Flow, 

Pressure & Circulation

Bowel Inflammation & Disorders: (Crohn’s Disease/Ulcerated Colitis) Buerger’s Disease



Cancer (Breast/Colon) 

Candida Albicans 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 

Colds/Flu Cold Sores 







Ear Canal 




Fibromyalgia (Muscle Pain and weakness) 

Gastritis Giardia (Travelers Diarrhea) 


Gum Irritation 

Hair and Hair Loss 

Headaches (Migraine) 

Heart Disease 

Heartburn and Hyperacidity 

Hypoglycemica Interstitial Cystitis (bladder Infection) 

Joint Flexibility 

Kidney stones 


Lung Diseases or 

Dysfunction Lupus Erythermatosus 

Muscle cramps, spasm and soreness 

Mouth, teeth and gums: (Periodontal and pyorrhea) 


Nose canal 


Parasites Pinworms 

Polymyalgia Rheumatica 

Respiratory (Bronchitis) 


Round worms 

Scarring Scleroderma 


Sinusitis Skin/Complexion 

Disorders Snoring Sprains and strains 

Temporomadibular Joint Syndrome–TMJ (Head, Face, Jaw, Neck and Shoulders) 


Tennis Elbow 

Trichomonads Ulcers



* The Miracle of MSM – Dr. Stanley W. Jacob, Dr. Ronald M. Lawrence (8 pages of references) * The Forgotten Nutrient, MSM – Beth M. Ley, 12 books on nutrition (2 apeg. of references) 

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